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Archives Newsletters

  • Investments/ co-invest, carried interest and stock options: professional income ? (September 2023) 
  • Structuring/ Dilution through a capital increase: pay attention! (September 2023)
  • Individuals/ Tax credit on French source dividends: hesitations in the case law (September 2023)
  • Individuals/ Abnormal capital gains on shares: costs may be deducted (September 2023)
  • Tax procedure/ DAC7: joint cross-border tax audits (September 2023) 
  • Flash info/ BEFIT-Directive proposal (September 2023)
  • Short comments/ Tax treaty BE-NL; Tax reform (July 2023)
  • Restructuring/ Mobility Directive, uncomplete from a tax perspective (July 2023)
  • Structuring/ debt pushdown: The Belgian Supreme Court rules on the deduction of financing costs (July 2023)
  • International/ Tax treaty abuse: Brussels Court denies the benefit of a tax treaty based on the national anti-abuse provision: comments (July 2023)
  • International/ New Belgian-France tax treaty: capital gains: be aware about the specific clause on substantial participation (July 2023)
  • Tax procedure/ The Belgian Supreme Court revises its case law on fraud (April 2023) 
  • Tax procedure/ CRS audits: Antwerp Court sets the record straight (April 2023)
  • Individual taxation: tax return for income 2022 - comments (April 2023)
  • Tax reform - corporate tax: comments about the contemplated changes in the parent-subsidiary regime (April 2023)
  • Tax reform - first round: content of the proposal made by the Finance Minister to the Belgian government early March 2023 (newsletter of March; please contact us for obtaining a copy)
  • Compliance/corporate - Are your bylaws compliant with the new company code? Act before December 31, 2023 (newsletter March 2023 ): here in FR
  • ATAD3: amendments by the EU Parliament (January 2023): here (FR)
  • Copyright tax in Belgium - what will change in 2023 (memo of January 2023): here in ENG/FR
  • Bill of December 2022: the tax measures (newsletter 2 December 2022 (FR) and January 2023(ENG) ; please contact us for obtaining a copy)
  • M&A - excess cash and LBO: here for our newsletter December 2022 (FR) and January 2023(ENG) 
  • UBO register - no more open access (newsletter December 2022 (FR) and January 2023(EN) ; please contact us for obtaining a copy)
  • Tax reform - budget - Keynote policy speech of 11 October 2022: capital selecta (Newsletter, 11 October 2022): here
  • Tax procedure - Extension of the taxation time limits: draft of Bill dated 3 October 2022: here for our Newsletter, October 2022 (FR) and full updated English version of January 2023 
  • Tax reform - proposal of the Finance minister (Newsletter, 19 July 2022; please contact us for obtaining a copy)
  • Tax reform: state of play about a tax reform in Belgium (Newsletter, 5 July 2022; please contact us for obtaining a copy)
  • Ruling practice: Annual report published by the ruling committee - A selection and summary of selected topics (Newsletter 1 July 2022, in French here)
  • Groups - Directive proposal on shell companies - Update and Anticipating during second half 2022 (Newsletter 1 July 2022; please contact us for obtaining a copy) 
  • International (FR-BE): comments for companies about the changes induced by the new tax treaty to be entered between France and Belgium (in French, February 2022): here
  • Groups – Directive proposal on shell companies (in French, February 2022): here
  • Team – Frédéric Lettany joins the team (February 2022) : here
  • International: A new France-Belgium tax treaty soon, 17 November 2021 (in French): here 
  • Team – Jean Meeùs joins the team (November 2021): here
  • Newsletters May 2021 (corporate tax, employee taxation, international taxation for individuals), June 2021 (Internationale aspecten van de Belgische personenbelasting), June 2021 (Financial instruments/ Fund of funds and Belgian taxation), June 2021 (Immobilier/traitement fiscal des abandons de loyers): available by contacting us
  • SMILE! March 31, 2021: First picture taken for tax on securities accounts: here
  • Finance / « Les 5 points faibles de la nouvelle taxe sur les comptes-titres », Interview, L’Echo, 9 November 2020: here 
  • Retail & VAT / Dons de biens alimentaires et non-alimentaires de première nécessité et conservation du droit à déduction TVA (15 September 2020): here
  • VAT Newsletter / Quick Fixes – Comments on the Belgian Administrative Circular dated 2 April 2020 (22 April 2020):  here
  • Covid-19: Tax measures to reduce cashflow difficulties (4 April 2020, updated 23 April 2020): here


International/ BE-FR Tax Treaty: 
"Nouvelle convention fiscale France-Belgique du 9 novembre 2021: point de vue belge", Fiscalité Internationale, n°1-2023, Paris, JFA, p.138-158 (information here).  

"Questions spécifiques de responsabilité et de fiscalité en cas de liquidation de société", in coll. book La dissolution et la liquidation des sociétés, Anthemis, 2023 (inf. here)

Remunerations/ International mobility: 
Belgium—New Tax Regime Introduced for Impatriate Employees (Daily tax report/ International, Bloomberg tax, 14 March 2022): here

Remunerations/ International mobility: 
“L’envoi de travailleurs par une société française en Belgique: nouveau régime belge des impatriés depuis le 1er janvier 2022”, Revue de Droit Fiscal, n°10, 10 March 2022 (Lexisnexis, France) (in French, 1st page here)

Finance/Tax on portfolio accounts:
« Sept recours contre la taxe sur les comptes-titres », Interview, L’Echo, 17 September 2021: here

Belgium: Recent Tax Developments (Part 2) (Expat special tax regime; Covid19 Allowance for employees / Update; Cross-Border taxation during Covid19 / Update; VAT for B2B events) (Daily tax report/ International, Bloomberg tax, 6 May 2021): here
Belgium: Recent Tax Developments (Part 1) (HOLDINGS – tax abuse; Tax on securities accounts) (Daily tax report/ International, Bloomberg tax, 29 March 2021): here

Remuneration & Corporate tax: 
Employees’ International (Im)Mobility During Covid-19 (INSIGHT, Bloomberg Tax, 7 September 2020): here

Corporate Tax: 
Belgium’s Corporate Tax Measures in Response to Covid-19 (INSIGHT, Bloomberg Tax, 19 August 2020): here

Finance / Restructuring and shareholders:
« La division de l’action Tesla ne devrait pas être taxée en Belgique », Interview, L’Echo, 13 August 2020: here

Corporate tax:
Two important recent cases: tax treatment of dividends, and financing costs for dividend distributions (INSIGHT: Belgium – Corporation Tax Group Relief, Bloomberg Tax, 8 June 2020): here

DONG YANG case: recognition of VAT fixed establishment  (INSIGHT: Belgium – Fixed esstablishment for VAT purposes, Bloomberg Tax, 28 May 2020): here

Real estate:
Critères décisionnels pour détenir de l’immobilier en transnational: synthèse, Revue Internationale du Patrimoine, mars 2020 (introduction: here)

International taxation – tax treaty Belgium-France
Future nouvelle convention fiscale franco-belge, « Retour du double précompte franco-belge », Interview L’Echo, 12 March 2020: here

Corporate tax:
INSIGHT: Belgian Corporate Taxation—2020 ChangesBloomberg Tax, 6 March 2020: here